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Англо-русский словарь - place


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Перевод с английского языка place на русский

 1. noun
 1) место; - give place to smb. - take the place of smb. - in place - out of place
 2) жилище; усадьба; загородный дом; резиденция; - summer place come down to my place tonight приходи ко мне сегодня вечером
 3) город, местечко, селение; what place do you come from? - откуда вы родом?
 4) площадь (в названиях, напр., Gloucester Place)
 5) положение, должность, место, служба; to know ones place - знать свое место;
 6) сиденье, место (в экипаже, за столом и т.п.); six places were laid - стол был накрыт на шесть приборов; - engage places - secure places
 7) место в книге, страница, отрывок
 8) math. calculated to five decimal places - с точностью до одной стотысячной
 9) sport одно из первых мест (в состязании); - get a place
 10) mining забой - in place of in the first (in the second) place во-первых (во-вторых) in the next place затем to keep smb. in his place не давать кому-л. зазнаваться - take place there is no place like home - в гостях хорошо, a дома лучше - another place Syn: see site
 2. v.
 1) помещать, размещать; ставить, класть; to place in the clearest light - полностью осветить (вопрос, положение и т.п.); The notice was placed above the door, and I didnt see it.
 2) помещать, отдавать, посылать (куда-л.); Your suggestion will be placed before the board of directors at their next meeting. We must make sure to place the children in the right school.
 3) определять на должность, устраивать; Who has been placed in charge during the directors absence?
 4) помещать, вкладывать деньги, капитал; I wish to place some money in this bank.
 5) делать заказ; - place a call I have had my order placed with this bookstore for three months, but there is still no sign of the books.
 6) определять (местоположение, дату и т.п.); соотносить (с чем-л.); I placed her age at 33. His income can probably be placed at $5000 a year.
 7) считать, причислять; оценивать; Mothers are well-known for placing the needs of the family above/before their own interests.
 8) продавать, сбывать (товар и т.п.)
 9) возлагать (надежду, ответственность и т.п.); to place confidence in smb. - довериться кому-л.; Why are you trying to place the blame on me?
 10) занять (какое-л.) место;
 11) sport присудить одно из первых мест; to be placed - прийти к финишу в числе первых трех; Jim was placed behind two other runners that he had hoped to win. After all his high hopes of winning the race, Jim wasnt even placed in the first three!
 12) находиться в определенном положении; поставить в определенное положение; What an awkward position Im now placed in! You placed me in an impossible position with your behaviour. - place aside - place out to place ones cards on the table - раскрыть свои карты to place a construction on - по-своему понимать, интерпретировать; Make sure that you dont place the wrong construction on his remark. to place smth. on one side - отложить; She placed her sewing on one side when the telephone rang. Tom placed his new book on one side for a year. to place in jeopardy - поставить под угрозу; The miners refusal to work has placed in jeopardy the nations supply of coal. to place oneself in smb. s position/shoes - поставить кого-л. на чье-л. место; Place yourself in my position, and then perhaps youll stop complaining. to place a call to - заказать разговор по телефону; Ask my secretary to place a call to Head Office in London, will you? Syn: see happen
PLACE a call amer. заказать разговор по телефону;
PLACE aside
 а) прекратить (работу и т.п.) на некоторое время; Tom placed his new book aside for a year.
 б) положить конец (чему-л.); Its time to place our differences aside and work together.
 в) откладывать, копить (деньги); беречь (время); I have a little money placed aside for a rainy day. Ive placed aside the whole weekend for househunting.
 г) приберегать, оставлять; Would you like us to place the rest of the wool aside for you?
PLACE in orbit вывести на орбиту;
PLACE of arms noun mil. плацдарм
PLACE of worship церковь
PLACE out отдавать ребенка на усыновление; The local authorities have been largely successful in placing out most of the children in their care.
PLACE setting noun столовый прибор на одну персону
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См. в других словарях

  1. место some place —- где-то some place, some time —- где-нибудь, когда-нибудь starting place —- спорт. центральный круг jumping place —- спорт. сектор для прыжков landing place —- спорт. место соскока; ав. место приземления turnback place —- место поворота (велоспорт) reporting place —- спорт. место сбора спортсменов I can't be at two places at once —- я не могу быть в двух местах одновременно this would be a good place for us to picnic —- это хорошее место для пикника 2. место, город, местечко; (населенный) пункт holy places —- святые места from place to place —- с места на место to move from place to place —- переезжать с места на место to come to a place —- прибыть в какой-л. пункт (куда-л.) it is a quiet place —- это тихое местечко (-ий городок) London is a noisy place —- Лондон - шумный город Bath is a very hot place in summer —- летом в Бате очень жарко N. is a great place for oysters —- в N. отлично ловятся устрицы what place do you come from? —- откуда вы родом? place of arrival —- место прибытия 3. место, точка на поверхности; участок a wet place on the floor —- мокрое пятно на полу a rough place on the road —- скверный участок дороги bad (raw, tender, sore) place —- больное место, болячка show me the sore place on your arm —- покажите, где (в каком месте) у вас болит рука 4. обычное, привычное, отведенное место in place —- на месте; уместный everything in its place —- все на месте to put...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  место – breeding place – drinking place – nesting place – watering place ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) место, участок, пространство, помещение; помещать; продавать (напр. акции) 2) должность – place of delivery – place of residence – market place – work place PLACE 1. сущ. 1) место, участок 2) пространство 3) здание 4) должность 5) служба 6) помещение; жилище 7) населенный пункт • - be out of a place - in the first place - place an order - place of abode - place of business - place of consignment - place of delivery - place of employment - place of incorporation - place of payment - place of performance - place of work - place orders - place with - principal place of business - public place - take place - take the place Syn: accommodation, space, room, point 2. гл. 1) помещать, размещать 2) помещать, вкладывать (деньги) 3) делать заказ 4) продавать (товары, акции и т.п.) 5) записывать (в кредит) 6) заносить (на счет) - place a loan - place an issue - place business - place goods on the market - place in operation Syn: distribute, arrange, allocate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) класть 2) место 3) положение 4) помещать 5) размещать 6) разряд 7) расставить 8) сажать 9) точка 10) укладывать digits with like place values — цифры одного разряда gasify coal in place — газифицировать на месте hold a firm place — занимать прочное место hydration takes place — гидратация происходит по in the first place — в первую очередь, во-первых in the same place — там же in what place soever — где бы то ни было place in series with — включать последовательно place in the anode circuit — включать в анод place in the cathode lead — включать в катод place money on deposit — вносить деньги на депозит place rocket in orbit — выводить ракету на орбиту place rope in block — закладывать трос в блок place satellite in orbit — запустить спутник на орбиту place upper limit — ограничивать сверху, устанавливать верхний предел place vessel in dock — ставить судно в док ram bottom in place — набивать днище конвертера ram the refractory in place — набивать огнеупор - algebraic place - apparent place - binary place - decimal place - fair in place - fasten in place - fault place - fill place - finite place - fixed place - imaginary place - in place of - infinite place - irrational place - mean place - nontrivial place - out-of-the-way place - p-adic place - parking place - place concrete - place feedback - place function - place in autorotation - place in dock - place in jeopardy - place in jobs - place in layers - place in storage - place in trajectory - place in windrows - place limit - place of discontinuity - place of self-ignition - place reliance - place steel - place value - putty in...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) место; участок 2) разряд – binary place ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  место размещать; класть; устанавливать place of concrete deposit place of residence place of safety place of work bed place deposition place of avalanche fire place hard-to-get-at place working place ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) место; пространство; участок 2) помещать, размещать; устанавливать; укладывать 3) матем., вчт. разряд 4) вчт. позиция (разряда); место (знака) to place in orbit — выводить на орбиту (напр. спутник) - place of units - automation equipped working place - binary place - burnt place - decimal place - digit place - dumping place - fire place - passing place - standing place - working place ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a particular portion of space. b a portion of space occupied by a person or thing (it has changed its place). c a proper or natural position (he is out of his place; take your places). 2 a city, town, village, etc. (was born in this place). 3 a residence; a dwelling (has a place in the country; come round to my place). 4 a a group of houses in a town etc., esp. a square. b a country house with its surroundings. 5 a person's rank or status (know their place; a place in history). 6 a space, esp. a seat, for a person (two places in the coach). 7 a building or area for a specific purpose (place of worship; bathing-place). 8 a a point reached in a book etc. (lost my place). b a passage in a book. 9 a particular spot on a surface, esp. of the skin (a sore place on his wrist). 10 a employment or office, esp. government employment (lost his place at the Ministry). b the duties or entitlements of office etc. (is his place to hire staff). 11 a position as a member of a team, a student in a college, etc. 12 Brit. any of the first three or sometimes four positions in a race, esp. other than the winner (backed it for a place). 13 the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation (calculated to 50 decimal places). --v.tr. 1 put (a thing etc.) in a particular place or state; arrange. 2 identify, classify, or remember correctly (cannot place him). 3 assign to a particular place; locate. 4 a appoint (a person, esp. a member of the clergy) to a post. b find a situation, living, etc. for. c (usu. foll. by with) consign to a person's care etc. (placed her with her aunt). 5 assign rank, importance, or worth to (place him among the best teachers). 6 a dispose of (goods) to a customer. b make (an order for goods etc.). 7 (often foll. by in, on, etc.) have (confidence etc.). 8 invest (money). 9 Brit. state the position of (any of the first three or sometimes four runners) in a race. 10 tr. (as placed adj.) a Brit. among the first three or sometimes four in a race. b US second in a race. 11 Football get (a goal)...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, open space, from Latin platea broad street, from Greek plateia (hodos), from feminine of platys broad, flat; akin to Sanskrit p?thu broad, Latin planta sole of the foot  Date: 13th century  1.  a. physical environment ; space  b. a way for admission or transit  c. physical surroundings ; atmosphere  2.  a. an indefinite region or expanse all over the ~  b. a building or locality used for a special purpose a ~ of learning a fine eating ~  c. archaic the three-dimensional compass of a material object  3.  a. a particular region, center of population, or location a nice ~ to visit  b. a building, part of a building, or area occupied as a home our summer ~  4. a particular part of a surface or body ; spot  5. relative position in a scale or series: as  a. position in a social scale kept them in their ~  b. a step in a sequence in the first ~, it's none of your business  c. a position at the conclusion of a competition finished in last ~  6.  a. a proper or designated niche or setting the ~ of education in society  b. an appropriate moment or point this is not the ~ to discuss compensation — Robert Moses  c. a distinct condition, position, or state of mind the postfeminist generation is in a different ~ — Betty Friedan  7.  a. an available seat or accommodation needs a ~ to stay  b. an empty or vacated position new ones will take their ~  8. the position of a figure in relation to others of a row or series; especially the position of a digit within a numeral  9.  a. remunerative employment ; job  b. prestige accorded to one of high rank ; status an endless quest for preferment and ~ — Time  10. a public square ; plaza  11. a small street or court  12. second ~ at the finish (as of a horse race)  II. verb  (~d; placing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put in or as if in a particular ~ or position ; set  b. to present for consideration a question ~d before the group  c. to put in a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (places, placing, placed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A place is any point, building, area, town, or country. ...Temple Mount, the place where the Temple actually stood. ...a list of museums and places of interest... We’re going to a place called Mont-St-Jean. ...the opportunity to visit new places... The best place to catch fish on a canal is close to a lock... The pain is always in the same place. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. You can use the place to refer to the point, building, area, town, or country that you have already mentioned. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess... N-SING: the N 3. You can refer to somewhere that provides a service, such as a hotel, restaurant, or institution, as a particular kind of place. He found a bed-and-breakfast place... My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. When something takes place, it happens, especially in a controlled or organized way. The discussion took place in a famous villa on the lake’s shore... Elections will now take place on November the twenty-fifth. PHRASE: V inflects 5. Place can be used after ‘any’, ‘no’, ‘some’, or ‘every’ to mean ‘anywhere’, ‘nowhere’, ‘somewhere’, or ‘everywhere’. (mainly AM INFORMAL) The poor guy obviously didn’t have any place to go for Easter... N-SING: det N 6. If you go places, you visit pleasant or interesting places. (mainly AM) I don’t have money to go places... ADV: ADV after v 7. You can refer to the position where something belongs, or where it is supposed to be, as its place. He returned the album to its place on the shelf... He returned to his place on the sofa. N-COUNT: poss N 8. A place is a seat or position that is available for someone to occupy. He walked back to the table and sat at the nearest of two empty places... N-COUNT: usu with supp 9. Someone’s or something’s place in a society, system, or situation is their...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 »PLACE, POSITION, OR AREA« 1 »POINT/POSITION« a) any area, point, or position in space  (This is the place where the accident happened. | Make sure you keep it in a safe place. | We kept moving from place to place. | The whole place was covered in dust.) b) a particular point in a larger area  (a sore place on my shoulder | There's a place on the wall where the paint's coming off.)  (- see position1) 2 »PLACE FOR DOING STH« a place that is used for, or is suitable for, a particular purpose or activity  (place to live/eat/park etc)  (What they need is a decent place to live. | I couldn't find a place to park. | place for)  (It's a great place for a vacation. | sth's place (=where something is usually kept))  (Put it back in its place when you've finished with it.) 3 »BUILDING/TOWN/COUNTRY ETC« a particular place such as a shop, factory, town, or country  (They've just bought a little place in Wales. | We were living then in a place called Alberiga. | I got it at that big furniture place on the ring road. | a nice Korean place (=restaurant) on the corner) 4 »SB'S HOUSE« your place/my place etc informal the house, apartment, or room where you live, I live etc  (Do you want to come back to our place for coffee?) 5 be no place for to be a completely unsuitable place  (A damp bedsit was no place for a baby.) 6 place of work formal a factory, office etc where you work 7 place of worship formal a building such as a church, where people have religious ceremonies TAKE PLACE 8 take place to happen, especially after being planned or arranged  (The next meeting will take place on Thursday. | the changes taking place in Indian society) 9 take the place of to exist or be used instead of someone or something else; replace  (Electric trains have now taken the place of steam ones. | No-one could take the place of her mother.) 10 take second place to to be less important than someone or something else  (Our personal wishes must take second place to the needs of the children.) 11 take your place a) to go to a particular position that...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Program For Licensing Assessments For Colorado Educators ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. place, from M.L. placea "place, spot," from L. platea "courtyard, broad street," from Gk. plateia (hodos) "broad (way)," fem. of platys "broad." Replaced O.E. stow and stede. Wide application in Eng., covering meanings that in Fr. require three words: place, lieu, and endroit. It. piazza and Sp. plaza retain more of the etymological sense. The verb is first recorded 1548; in the horse racing sense it is from 1831, from earlier meaning "to state the position of" (among the first three finishers). To take place "to happen, be accomplished," earlier have place, translates Fr. avoir lieu. Place-kick is from 1845, originally in rugby. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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